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In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10

Dear Children’s Minister or Pastor, 

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Krissy Hamilton.  I am the former education curator of Hattiesburg Zoo.  I have had the honor to be called to an animal outreach program called Freedom Ranch.  You may ask why I would send information to churches.  That answer is simple.  I found myself living a life of captivity to fear, anxiety and work for many years.  As a follower of Christ, it deeply troubled me when God revealed that I was placing work above him.  As a result, I found myself chained to the world’s approval and therefore, lived a life of fear and anxiety.  Through letting go of my work addictions and leaving it all behind, God has revealed to me that I am not the only one living this life.  Unfortunately many believers live a life of captivity instead of freedom in Christ.  Obviously, God has given me a passion for animals and conservation and he has called me to use that to His Glory and Honor.  Through live animal presentations with some of the most beautiful animals on earth, I would like to share my testimony to encourage others.  I believe that His creation can teach us about His love, playfulness and faith.  God gives us daily blessings, promises and FREEDOM!  Some of those blessings are revealed through his provision and faithfulness for all of his creation.   Journey through the word to see how God uses his creation to encourage and delight in his followers.  I would love to share this program with your congregation, small groups and children’s programs.  The cost is $125/program.  Travel fee may apply. 


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